Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 2:48:38 GMT -5
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 3:21:06 GMT -5
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 3:28:32 GMT -5
God's Word Exerts Power - SPAD 2013
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 3:30:27 GMT -5
God's Word Exerts Power - SPAD 2013REVIEW QUESTION: Why should we have confidence in Jehovah's Word (Psalm 29:4) - Jehovah is a powerful GodThe physical universe is a testimony to Jehovah's supreme power (see Isaiah 40: 26). He has manifested that power through Jesus who performed many miracles including 9 résurrections. We learn more about Jehovah's power through the way he expresses his judgements (example in Noah's day). Jehovah's power is unique and superiour to humans as it is not dépendent on others - God's Word is Powerful
Psalm 29: 4 " The voice of Jehovah is powerful, the voice of Jehovah is splendid" (compare Psalms 33:6, 9). That Jehovah's word has the desired results were evident in the creative days when the impact of "then God said" was seen. Jesus too simply uttered "hush" to a storm and in God's power it calmed. With a word "come" he enabled Peter to walk on water. God's judgements also demonstrate Jehovah's power. Second Peter 3:5-7 (Genesis 1: 6, 9) states further manifestations of that same powerful word when God executes judgement on the wicked. We can be assured that God's word is sure to come true. - The transforming power of God's WordJesus said we live not by bread alone but by the utterances that come from Jehovah. We hear God's word not through a literal voice today but recognizng and hearding with obedience the instructions of God. In the past God spoke directly to humans or sent angels or humans to speak to them but today Jehovah communicates primarily through his inspired word the bible. Compare Hebrews 4: 12 (see Vol II p. 161 "hearing the voice of God"). For it to have an effet we must let it effect our emotions and our personality by letting it expose what's in our hearts and allow it to be a "work in us"(1 Thess 2: 13). - Drowning out the voice of GodSince Satan controls this worlds commerical, religious and political elements in this system he does his best to distract us so we do not hear or obey the "voice of God". - The deceptive power of riches [Matthew 13:22]
- The deceptive power of sin can Harden someone against Jehovah[Hebrews 3:13]
CONCLUSION: How to listen to Jehovah's voice by using God's word for ourselves and others (Deut 6:5) REVIEW QUESTION: Why should we have confidence in Jehovah's Word (Psalm 29:4)? Jehovah puts his full power behind his word and it can transform and strengthen us.
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 5:24:22 GMT -5
OVERVIEW: Discussion of Psalms 34We cannot fully explain what something tastes like. In a similar way the power of God's word must be personally experienced in our lives to be appreciated. We "taste" by reading and applying God's Word in our lives. Five Steps to fully benefit from bible reading
- Have a regular program for bible reading at a pace that allows time for proper meditation [Psalms 1:2]
See w13 April 15 p. 7 para 4 - Use theocratic tools for deeper research to develop thinking ability
- Beg for and be guided by God's holy spirit [read John 4: 24]
- BELIEVE that God's word can help you
- Obey God's instructions
DEMONSTRATION: An experienced brother helps a brother how to use Watchtower Index or WOL on a smartphone to research for family problemsREVIEW QUESTION How can we experience the power of God's word in our lives? By "Tasting and seeing" for ourselves by reading, meditating and doing research and opening up our heart to Jehovah to apply what we read.
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 5:49:24 GMT -5
REVIEW QUESTION How can we unlease the power of God's word in your ministry? (2 Tim 3: 16, 17) - Personal study The bible is the powerful because it is the product of God's spirit (2 Tim 3:16, 17). It has proved totally reliable, "upright" "trustworthy" and "truth" effective in every domaine( Isaiah 55: 10, 11; Psalm 33:4, 9; Psalm 119: 160). It stirs emotion, adjusts thinking and drives behaviour. It contains words and expériences that touch us. It is essential to take the time for prayerful medidation MINISTRY : Give the bible prominence when teaching; make sure the listener understand what is being read (Romans 16) - Draw attention to God's word in a way that engenders respect for it ("let's see what God has to say on the matte") (Compare Pslams 19: 7)
- Read and explain the scripture
- Reason from the scripture and make the application - compare Acts 17:2, 4; Proverbs 20:5
DEMONSTRATION 1: Sister uses Theocratic Ministery book to prepare for a return visit.DEMONSTRATION 2: A brother preaching (a) Brother not fittingly prepared half quotes bible (b) reads scripture with appropriate emphasis and questions DEMONSTRATION 3: Informal Witnessing (a) and (b) sister ill prepared and then well prepared for informal witnessing at a doctors office NOTE She had her tel number already prepared. CONCLUSION Let us be like the philidelphian that our "little power" to direct people to God's words, God will use his own awesome power (Rev 3:8b; Provs 3: 27). We carry the power of God in our hands let us use it correctly to unleash it's power fully in our ministry. REVIEW QUESTION How can we unleash the power of God's word in your ministry? (2 Tim 3: 16, 17) By drawing attention to, explaining and highlight bible text and help them comprehen what is means in their lives.
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 6:37:08 GMT -5
REVIEW QUESTION How can we avoid falling prey to the deceptive power of Satan's world? (1 John 5:19) Satan is the mastermind of decpetion. He proved this by turning our first parents. But we are not without defence, we have our God given power of perception to counteract is manipulations. Any compromise of our integrity great or small, means failure so we must stay alert. 1 John 5:19 says "We know tha twe orinate with God but the whole world is laying in the power of the wicked one" but Jesus has given us " insight" (verse 10). The key therefore is " insight", the "mental perception, intellectual capacity". Deception Materialism - The deceptive power of riches (Matthew 13: 22) A true Christians is someone that doesn't need to consult his checkbook to know just how wealthy he really is. The rich and famous of this world lack spirituality that makes one truly rich. There are many scriptrual examples of people overtaken by greed (Achan, Gehazi) Take the experience of Witness Alex, who lost his peace of mind seeking security in this system (see w13 Jan 15th) - The deceptive power of sin. We must be aware of the gradual and spiritual decline that can lead to a "wicked heart" ( Hebrews 3: 12, 13). Is what we desire stronger than what Jehovah deserves? We have protection throught the congregation. A unbalanced attitude to theocratic restrictions. - Self deceeption Allowing yourself to believe something that is erroneous. Being delusional or overly accomodating about our own weaknesses or being overly critical of ourselves and devaluing our service(compare James 1: 22). Both conditions will lead us to have the determination to fight. - Religious deception and apostacy. Apostates prey on the congregation by sowing seeds of doubts and a spirit of ciriticism. Our protection is to "avoid" such ones (Romans 16: 16-18) CONCLUSTION Our obediance taps us into the greatest power in order to resist the forces against us. (2 Corinthians 2: 11 Philipians 4:13) REVIEW QUESTION How can we avoid falling prey to the deceptive power of Satan's world ? (1 John 5:19) Recognize that Satan is the source of deception.
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 9:59:03 GMT -5
God's Word Exerts Power - SPAD 2013: AfternoonREVIEW QUESTION How can you, as a youth attain spiritual success? " Blessed is the man who puts his trust in Jehovah, whose confidence is in Jehovah; he will become like a tree planted by the waters that sends out his roots ..." (Jer 17:7, 8) Youth is an exciting time and there are many goals a Young person can reach out for theocratic privilèges. Motivation can be attained by talking to older ones that are or have served in the full time service. We have had articles of Young ones that have chosen to serve where the need is greater who express their desire for an exciting and fulfilling life (Acts 20:35). - Youths can be targets of Satan - Youths inexperience can lead to discouragement and/or internal pressures. As a protection and a guarantee of success Young people must trust in Jehovah by prayer and effort. David said Jehovah is his "strength and his shield". Set goals, resist peer pressure and the pressure to make worldly goals. Associate with good examples in the congregation. Test Jehovah out and Jehovah will bless you (Malachi 3: 10) INTERVIEW: Young brother speaks about his theocratic goals and an oldster about his expériences as a youth. REVIEW QUESTION How can you, as a youth attain spiritual success? Trust in Jehovah and he will strengthen you.
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 11:11:11 GMT -5
God's Word Exerts Power - SPAD 2013
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 13:03:44 GMT -5
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 13:04:08 GMT -5
REVIEW QUESTION How can we become powerful even when we are weak? (2 Cor 12:10) Jehovah's servants are the target of many trials and tribulations. How to endure - Stay Humble. Humily helps us cope with trials because it plays a part in acknowledging the principle that we "boast in our weakness", accepting and enduring our trials to the praise and glory of Jehovah's name. Humility helps us accept our lot in life. - Stay fully involved in Jehovah's organizations; helping others in the ministry shifts our focus from ourselves - Delve into the bible. Bible study allows us to access the mind of God. INVERVIEW A sister that lost both her parents within 9 months of each other; and a brother with health issues and discouragement..
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 13:11:32 GMT -5
REVIEW QUESTION What is the key to ongoing transformation even in regard to strongly entrenched habits and attitudes? (Eph 4:23) Originally, prior to the original sin, human transformation was unnecessary. Jehovah went from having to transform no one to having to transform everyone. Are we allowing Jehovah to do his work in us? As rocks are transformed to sand by the sea, as long as we expose ourselvs to God's word it's power will change us. Even today, we may struggled with certain entrenched feelings but we have made much progress. What areas does Jehovah transform us?- to perform our ministery - reach spiritual goals - oppose the devil even though is he powerful - endure trials even though they are difficult Even 22 years after he came into the truth Paul had to struggle with personality traits (see Romans 7: 21). None of us are perfectly transformed! How does the bible transform us? Hebrews 12:4 - The word of God is alive, and exerts power. Jehovah's expressions are alive (Is 55: 11)and by extention so is his written word - Is sharper than a two edged sword. It makes a "clean cut" and can reach deep within us. The way we respond to the bible reveals the difference between the person we are on the outside (the soul) and the real inner man. - thoughts and intentions of the heart our response to the message shows our true motives (example Mat 5: 27-28 maybe we detect a personal weakness and what we allow ourselves to dwell on. The bible forces us to be honest with ourselves and see where we can improve. How can we allow God's word to transform us
- read Like Josiah we need to be touched by what we read (2 Kings 22) - feel At Pentecosts the jews were "stabbed to the heart" and felt the need to do soemthing (Act 2: 37) - act We all need to be stirred to action by what we feel (Acts 2: 41) Transformed or disguised?
We all have personality traits and habits we would do better without and could impede us from making spiritual progress we therefore have to attempt to overturn these "strongly entrenched things" "Tranforming" our way of thinking, rather than, as Satan does, disguising our true selves. Like a caterpilla which cannot masquerade as a butterfly, God's word can completely transform us. (2 Corinthians 10: 4, 5; Romans 12: 2).
Post by Admin on Feb 24, 2014 13:29:32 GMT -5
- How can we continue to be transformed?There has to be a effort to change the dominant mental attitude. (Ephesians 4: 22)So there will be less of a difference after time to what we should be to what we actually are. [/i] QUESTIONS FOR MEDITATION<< Bible Reading [David Meditation]>>[/div] [li]How do I feel about what I read?[/li] [li]What does this tell me about Jehovah's qualities and ways ?[/li] [li]What does this show me about Jehovah's interest in me?[/li] [/ul] by yielding to the influence of God's spirit you endeavor to transform what you are deep on the Inside and get back up after relapps. [/quote] Measuring progressYour spiritual activity is a measure of whether you allow the power of God's word to keep transforming you. - Our attitude to material things (Mat 6: 20, 21)We may need to re-asses our attitude to employment and material profession. - Assisting the weak Weak ones are weak, they're not dead! Are we attentive and willing to take the time to let such ones know we care? 1 Thess 5: 14 - Decisions when there are no laws, but principles. Jehovah can see if we violate principles such as being envious in our hearts. Continuing the transformation Even if we struggle we must believe that with Jehovah "all things are possible" so don't give up and don't given in (Matthew 19: 25) REVIEW QUESTION What is the key to ongoing transformation even in regard to strongly entrenched habits and attitudes? (Eph 4:23) "be made new in the force actuating your mind" steady paced appreciative study meditation and then yield to the influence of God's spirit.
Post by Admin on Feb 28, 2014 15:25:07 GMT -5