1. Why is the Bible book of Jeremiah beneficial for us? [Mar. 5, si p. 129 par. 36][/b] of the prophet himself. He was fearless in proclaiming an unpopular message to a godless people. He spurned fellowship with the wicked. He appreciated the urgency of Jehovah’s message, giving himself
wholeheartedly to Jehovah’s work and never quitting. He found God’s word to be like a fire in his bones, and it was the exultation and rejoicing of his heart. (Jer. 15:16-20; 20:8-13) May we ever be as zealous for the word of Jehovah! May we also give loyal support to God’s servants, as
Baruch did to Jeremiah. The sincere obedience of the
Rechabites is also a splendid example to us, and so is
Ebed-melech’s kindly consideration for the persecuted prophet.—36:8-19, 32; 35:1-19; 38:7-13; 39:15-18.
- si p. 129 par. 36[/ul]
2. How might Jehovah deliver us from persecution today? (Jer. 1:8) [Mar. 5, w05 12/15 p. 23 par. 18][/i].” (Jeremiah 1:8) How might Jehovah deliver us from persecution today? He might
raise up a fair-minded judge like Gamaliel. Or he may see to it that
a corrupt or antagonistic official is unexpectedly replaced by a more reasonable one. At times, though, Jehovah may permit the persecution of his people to run its course. (2 Timothy 3:12) If God allows us to be persecuted, he will always
give us the strength to endure persecution. (1 Corinthians 10:13) And no matter what God permits, we have no doubt as to the final outcome: Those who fight against God’s people are fighting against God, and fighters against God will not prevail.[/ul]
3. When and how did the anointed return to “the roadways of long ago”? (Jer. 6: 16) [Mar. 12, w05 11/1 p. 24 par. 12][/b](2 Timothy 1:13) To this day, the anointed help one another as well as their “other sheep” companions to pursue the healthful, happy way of life that Christendom has abandoned.—John 10:16.[/ul]
4. Why can it be said that there is “balsam in Gilead” today? (Jer. 8:22) [Mar. 19, w10 6/1 p. 22 par. 3–p. 23 par. 4] [/i] Yes, today there still exists spiritual balsam. The comfort and hope provided by the good news of the Kingdom is able to bind up broken hearts. Would you like to experience such healing? All you need to do is open your heart wide to the comforting message from God’s Word and allow it to fill your life. Millions of people have already done so. The healing by this balsam provides a foregleam of greater relief that is still to come. The time is fast approaching when Jehovah God will bring about “the curing of the nations,” with everlasting life in view. At that time, “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” Yes, there still is “balsam in Gilead”!—Revelation 22:2; Isaiah 33:24.[/ul]
5. In what way does Jehovah “feel regret” after pronouncing judgment? (Jer. 18:7, 8) [Apr. 2, jr p. 151 box][/i]when he has completely misjudged a matter. Rather,
Jehovah feels regret by adjusting his dealings, responding to the change of heart he observes.This is not just a cold rescinding of a sentence. Jehovah’s feelings change toward repentant sinners. According to some scholars, the origin of the Hebrew verb translated
“feel regret” in the verses cited above is thought to reflect
the idea of “breathing deeply,” maybe with a sigh. This may indicate that when Jehovah sees genuine remorse in a human heart, figuratively he breathes deeply, as with a sigh of relief. God can show the repentant person the loving attention enjoyed by those having His approval. That sinner may still face certain consequences, yet God is pleased with his change of heart. He softens “the calamity,” or divine discipline, that otherwise might be due. (Jer. 26:13) What human judge is inclined to recognize true repentance in this way? Jehovah takes delight in doing so.—Jer. 9:24.[/ul]
6. How did Jehovah fool Jeremiah, and what lesson can we draw from this? (Jer. 20:7) [Apr. 2, jr p. 36 par. 8][/i]Jeremiah by using some crafty, underhanded scheme against him. Rather, God
“fooled” his prophet in a positive, beneficial sense. Jeremiah felt that the opposition was too great, that by himself he could no longer fulfill his God-given assignment. But fulfill it he did, with the Almighty’s support and help. Hence, you
might say that Jehovah overpowered him, proving far stronger than Jeremiah and his human inclinations. When this man of God thought that he had reached his limit and could not keep going,
Jehovah exercised a persuasive force so that Jeremiah was fooled, as it were. God proved stronger than the prophet’s weaknesses. Even in the face of apathy, rejection, and violence, Jeremiah was able to continue to preach.[/ul]
7. In what sense were Israel’s enemies sanctified? (Jer. 22:6-9) [Apr. 9, it-2 p. 1166 par. 8][/i]. Anciently, the fighting forces, before they entered battle, were customarily sanctified. (Jos 3:5; Jer 6:4; 51:27, 28) During warfare Israel’s forces, including non-Jews (for example,
Uriah the Hittite, who was probably a circumcised proselyte), had to remain ceremonially clean. They could not have sexual relations, even with their own wives, during a military campaign. Accordingly, there were no prostitutes who followed Israel’s army. Moreover, the camp itself had to be kept clean from defilement.—Le 15:16, 18; De 23:9-14; 2Sa 11:11, 13.
When it was necessary to punish unfaithful Israel, those foreign armies bringing the destruction were viewed as ‘sanctified,’ in the sense that they were ‘set apart’ by Jehovah for the execution of his righteous judgments. (Jer 22:6-9; Hab 1:6) Similarly, those military forces (principally the Medes and Persians) who brought destruction on Babylon were spoken of by Jehovah as “my sanctified ones.”—Isa 13:1-3.[/ul]
8. Why could Jehovah rightly say to his ancient people: “I have drawn you with loving-kindness”? (Jer. 31:3) [Apr. 23, jr pp. 142-145 pars. 8-11][/i], especially their spiritual needs, as best he can. His main reason for acting in such a selfless manner is his desire to please Almighty God.
9 The best way to grasp the essence of the Biblical expression “
loving-kindness” is by studying how God treated his true worshippers down through the ages. Jehovah
protected and fed the Israelites while they spent 40 years in the wilderness. In the Promised Land, God
provided judges to rescue them from their enemies and to bring them back to true worship.
Because Jehovah stuck with them through good times and bad during all those centuries, he could tell the nation: “With a love to time indefinite I have loved you. That is why I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”—Jer. 31:3.[/ul]
9. How is God’s law written in hearts? (Jer. 31:33) [Apr. 23, w07 3/15 p. 11 par. 2][/b], it can be said that God’s law is written in his heart[/ul]
10. What was the purpose of making two deeds of the same transaction? (Jer. 32:10-15) [Apr. 30, w07 3/15 p. 11 par. 3][/b] to verify the accuracy of the open one if needed. By following reasonable legal procedures even when dealing with a relative and fellow believer, Jeremiah set an example for us.[/ul]